It was a privilege to run our trial at Bob and Di Cameron’s beautiful property. Thank you for allowing us access.
Thanks to our retrieving sub-committee – Jeanne R, Jackie P, Dianne V, Frank M, Bronwyn M and Alan H – who have done a fabulous job organising lunches, prizes and game. Craig D also jumped in to help Al with the game which was very much appreciated. These trials only happen because of you!
As always, we are very grateful to our judges for giving up the opportunity to run their own dogs and a huge shout out to Greg Playdon for jumping in to judge Saturday’s All Age at the last minute.
Saturday 24th February 2024
NOVICE (21 entries; 5 scratchings)
Judge: Mrs Diane McCann
1st place: Mrs T Rose HUNTOGUN RED HOT KENYA JD NRA TKS (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 174 points
2nd place: Mr R Temple MHADAIDH ROB ROY MACGREGOR (AI) (Golden Retriever Dog) 170 points
3rd place: Mrs D Kelly WINTERSET HEIDI OF CAIRNLEA NRA. CD. (Golden Retriever Bitch) 151 points
4th place: Miss L O'Sullivan KADNOOK ROCK THE KAZBAH (AI) (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 146 points
RESTRICTED (15 entries; 4 scratchings)
Judge: Mr Garrick Bridges
1st place: Mr B Watts NATIVEHUT RIVERINA (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 185 points
2nd place: Mr T Palmer BEEREEGAN REMINGTON RYDER NRD (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 176 points
3rd place: Mr S Heyes SAMIRYA LUNA ECLIPSE (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 175 points
4th place: Ms J Price BROMHUND ZULU ZEST(AI) QND. CD (Weimaraner Bitch) 174 points
ALL AGE (18 entries; 2 scratchings)
Judge: Mr Greg Playdon
1st place: Mr R Whitechurch RT. CH. ADDERSLOT MAGGIE MAY (AI) (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 162 points
2nd place: Mr K E Britton & Mrs LA Britton RT. CH. TIRNANOGE LADY REVA DM CM (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 145 points
3rd place: Mr D & Mrs V Furnell RT. CH. HUNTOGUN TAZZIE DEVIL RN. ORA. CCD. (Labrador Retriever Dog) 139 points
4th place: Mr M A Stockdale RT. CH. TIRNANOGE LEXI ROONEY (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 125 points
Sunday 25th February 2024
NOVICE (20 entries; 5 scratchings)
Judge: Mr Tony Palmer
1st place: Mr M Calleja CALEJ HUNTING LEGACY (Brittany Bitch) 170 points
2nd place: Mrs T Rose HUNTOGUN RED HOT KENYA JD NRA TKS (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 167 points
3rd place: Seecar Kennels BROMHUND LETS PLAY GAMES (Weimaraner Bitch) 165 points
4th place: Mrs D Mc Cann & (The Late Mr R) TOPNOTCH VERRY ELLEEGANT (German Shorthaired Pointer Bitch) 163 points
RESTRICTED (16 entries; 4 scratchings)
Judge: Mr Robert Tawton
1st place: Mr R & Mrs V Thomas OAKRIDGE WALKURE NRD. (German Shorthaired Pointer Bitch) 154 points
2nd place: Mr B Williamson OAKLABS BUSTER (Labrador Retriever Dog) 150 points
3rd place: Mr S Heyes SAMIRYA LUNA ECLIPSE (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 148 points
4th place: Mr S Luck STEDIPOINT AUNT EVIE (AI) (German Shorthaired Pointer Bitch) 140 points
ALL AGE (18 entries; 2 scratchings)
Judge: Mr Jim Hargreaves
1st place: Mr M A Stockdale RT. CH. TIRNANOGE LEXI ROONEY (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 160 points
2nd place: Mr R Whitechurch RT. CH. ADDERSLOT MAGGIE MAY (AI) (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 157 points
3rd place: Mr K E Britton & Mrs LA Britton RT. CH. TIRNANOGE LADY REVA DM CM (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 151 points
4th place: Mr M A Stockdale RT. CH. FLYNNMAC MAC (AI) (Labrador Retriever Bitch) 150 points
Fort Wrangham Trophy
Aggregate Trophy for Novice over both days
Bambillay Cup
Aggregate Trophy for All Age over both days